Lead Institution: Wiltshire College
Using video-conferencing systems to upskill work-based learners - establishing an e-infrastructure.
Wiltshire College are working to demonstrate and explore the use of new learning technologies, particularly focusing on Access Grid Nodes (AGNs), to support the development of innovative models of remote HE-level provision to work-based learners. AGNs consist of high quality audio and visual equipment within a dedicated workspace, in which two-way communication is possible between the audience and speaker, for remote learning.
Initial feedback from employers indicated that they would welcome further development of this type of collaborative delivery channel of integrated FE/ HE support. To build upon and extend this type of working, an AGN has been installed at Wiltshire College's Salisbury campus.
Access Grid Node
The long term aim for this project is to gain STEM employer's confidence that there are high-quality access points for local HE-level STEM provision.
Mark Thompson
Wiltshire College