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Developing Writing in STEM Disciplines

Lead Institution: University of Bath
Collaborating with: University of Limerick, University College London, Coventry University, University of the West of England, Oxford Brookes University, Plymouth University, University of Exeter

Project Summary

Employers’ needs and expectations for the writing capabilities of STEM graduates. How should we respond?

The writing abilities of graduates – and their shortcomings – regularly top the issues of concern for graduate employers. But what specifically are these shortcomings? Should and could they be addressed on STEM undergraduate courses? And if so, how?

These are the questions this STEM project explored.

Aims and Objectives

The project had two strands. The first embodied research carried out in the University of Bath’s Faculty of Design and Engineering. Through interviews and questionnaire surveys, the needs and expectations of placement providers and graduate employers were compared with the perceptions of students and University staff. By comparing the various responses we identified key writing-related employability issues and began to consider how universities might respond to them.

The second strand sought to respond to the findings of the first. A network of good practice partners was set up in the South West, drawing upon the expertise of European leaders in developing writing practice; Coventry University and the University of Limerick are the non-regional partners.  Both are pioneers in the field of undergraduate writing development and are, or have been, hosts of EATAW (European Association of Teachers of Academic Writing) Conferences. Regional partners are the University of Exeter, University of Plymouth and the University of the West of England.

Information on outcomes can be accessed via the menu on the left. For any additional information about the project, or to ask a question, please contact the project lead, Dr Trevor Day, as below:

Contact Dr Trevor Day

What is 3 × 3? What is this?

Staff involved

Dr Trevor Day
Project lead, University of Bath

Dr Íde O'Sullivan
University of Limerick

Dr Karen Bultitude
University College London

Dr Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams
Coventry University

Dr Margarida Sardo
University of the West of England

Dr Mary Deane
Oxford Brookes University

John Hilsdon
Plymouth University

Lawrence Cleary
University of Limerick

Rachel Canter
University of Exeter