Listed on the right are links to all the projects that were funded by the SW Spoke of the National HE STEM Programme between 2009 and 2012.
Each funded project was assigned its own web-pages to document the progress of its work and to host all associated outputs.
The webpage for each project includes:
Depending on the project, web-pages may also be included to house associated creative learning journeys and / or the outputs from other universities that have adopted the project during the lifetime of the National HE STEM Programme.
40 Projects
Lead Institution: University of Bath
Lead Institution: University of Exeter
includes 6 sub-projects
Lead Institution: University of the West of England
Lead Institution: University of Exeter
Lead Institution: University of Bath
Lead Institution: Petroc College
Lead Institution: Bournemouth University
includes 6 sub-projects
Lead Institution: Bournemouth University
Lead Institution: University of Bristol
Lead Institution: Plymouth University
Lead Institution: University of the West of England
Lead Institution: University of Exeter
Lead Institution: University of Bath
Lead Institution: Plymouth University
Lead Institution: University of Bath
includes 3 sub-projects
Lead Institution: University of Bath
Lead Institution: Wiltshire College
Lead Institution: University of Bath
Lead Institution: National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement