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Visual Impairment & STEM

Lead Institution: University of Bath
Collaborating with: University of Southampton, Plymouth University, Royal Agricultural College, Loughborough University, London School of Economics

Project Outputs > Case Study - 'Inspiring Students with a Visual Impairment'

The Inspiring Students with a Visual Impairment event at the University of Bath was delivered through an innovative collaboration between the university, schools and sensory support services. You can find out more about the day, and what it involved, here.

Dr Iryna Withington, the project lead for the event, has produced a case study (that can be accessed below) which captures learning from the planning and delivery of the event. The case study should prove a useful resource for those who are considering running a similar event back in their own institution. It covers:

  1. Main steps in preparing for the event
  2. Aims for the event and how these were delivered
  3. Event highlights
  4. Learning points and impact from the event 

Access the case study below:

'Inspiring Students with a Visual Impairment' - Event Case Study

Staff involved

EA Draffan
Project lead, University of Southampton

Judith Waterfield
Project lead, Plymouth University

Iryna Withington
University of Bath

John Conway
Royal Agricultural College

Sharron Sturgess
Loughborough University

Simon Hayhoe
London School of Economics