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Design a Fireworks Show! - using Context and Problem Based Learning

Lead Institution: University of Bath
Collaborating with: University of Exeter, Plymouth University

Project Outputs

The Design a Fireworks Show! - using Context and Problem Based Learning project produced a set of context and problem based learning resources for use by Chemistry undergraduates and that can be very easily used by other chemistry departments or adapted to suit other STEM disciplines.

The resources are split into 3 categories:

  1. Project Leader Documents - advising academics on how to run the project
  2. Student & Expert Briefs - information briefs that have been prepared for the students completing the activity and the 'expert' facilitators (PhD students)
  3. Student & Expert Support Documents - extra information for students and facilitators to supplement the Briefs

The project lead has disseminated information about the resources and the processes behind developing them at a range of conferences and seminars, including the Variety in Chemistry Education conference. An example of a project presentation can be accessed here

Staff involved

Dr Gan Shermer
Project lead, University of Bath

Emily M MacCready
Project coordinator, University of Bath

Nicola King
University of Exeter

Roy Lowry
Plymouth University